Stand Up Pouches for Product Packaging

Flat Bottom Stand Up Bag For Protein Powder Packaging

Written by David Marinac | Oct 8, 2014 12:21:00 PM

If you're reading this, you probably know all about protein powder.  Such as, for example, that the most common type of protein powder packaging is a plastic can or jar. You make it your business to learn all you can about protein powder to gain any advantage that will give you a leg up in the marketplace. After all, at the end of the day, it all comes down to beating the competition.  Our standing in the packaging industry has given us a healthy appreciation for the fact that the line between being an industry leader and an also-ran is often very fine.  Your choice of packaging is one factor that can impact which side of the line you end up on, which is why we provide this comparison of plastic cans versus flat bottom stand up bags for protein powder packaging.  

Let's address the most obvious issue first: Protection.  Powdered products require packaging that is strong, durable, and puncture-resistant because, as we all know, any moisture that gets into a package is doom.  Both plastic cans and flat bottom stand up bags provide adequate protection, the former because of the rigidity of the container and the latter because of the multiple layers of scientifically formulated film that have been laminated together to create a membrane impermeable to water, vapor, odor, etc.  

Both types of packaging are very good at preserving product shelf life as well.  Plastic canisters are usually equipped with screw-on caps that seal in freshness, flavor, and nutrition.  The barrier of a stand up pouch also preserves those characteristics, especially when combined with optional zip lock closures. Again, either will ensure that the contents last at least until the "best by" date and almost always beyond.  

The factors we've addressed so far don't establish that there's much to choose from between plastic cans and flat bottom stand up bags for protein powder packaging.  There are, however, some substantial differences. Take convenience, for example.  A plastic canister is rigid and rather large. It takes up a specific amount of space and will continue to require that space regardless of whether it's full, half-full, or the customer is down to the last serving or two.  Stand up flat bottom protein powder packaging, on the other hand, is flexible and because it's flexible, can be stored conveniently almost anywhere, even more so as the content volume decreases.  In addition, these pouches are lightweight, much lighter, in fact, than plastic canisters, so they're more convenient to take along on business trips, vacations, even backpacking treks. 

It's no secret that consumers are becoming increasingly sensitive to environmental issues, regardless of which side of the "climate change" debate they may fall on.  Ecological concerns inform the purchasing decisions of a growing number of your customers.  Your level of environmental responsibility can, therefore, play an important role in the success of your brand.  This is another area in which stand up flat bottom bags differ from plastic canisters. They may both be recyclable, but that is basically where the similarity ends.  Flat bottom stand up pouches, while made of multiple film layers, use up to 15 percent less material than other plastic bag styles and even less than that required in the production of plastic canisters.  Less material means that the pouches weigh less and, therefore, require less fuel per unit to ship. It also means that there is less waste after disposal, as illustrated by the fact that a flat bottom stand up bag takes up about as much space in a landfill as an empty shipping envelope.  

What we've discussed so far is important for generating customer satisfaction, critical for brand loyalty.  Often overlooked, however, is how important it is for a consumer to be attracted to a brand in the first place.  This style of protein powder packaging offers several features that will help your product line stand out apart from those of your competitors:

  • They really do stand up on the shelf, and therefore stand out from row upon row of almost identical plastic canisters
  • Round and sombrero-shaped hang holes provide health food stores, grocers, and other retailers a second product display alternative
  • The barrier panels accommodate customized printing in up to 12 colors
  • The panels also enable you to affix your product labels and/or other company information
  • You have a choice of clear film or opaque foil for one of more barrier panels
  • You can combine some or all of these features.  

Finally, flat bottom stand up pouches are much less expensive than plastic canisters, often 30-40% less depending on the size and again they take up a fraction of the space in a warehouse, store shelf, or distribution center.

In closing, you’ve spent a ton of time and effort perfecting your protein powder. Use the right type of flexible retail packaging like flat bottom stand up bags and your protein powder will stand up, stand out, and fly off of store shelves.