Stand Up Pouches for Product Packaging

Become a Social Media Superstar with Custom Stand Up Bags

Written by David Marinac | Dec 8, 2017 3:00:00 PM

Every day, brands across the country
are leveraging social media to build connections and increase sales.

The power of social media is undeniable, as it gives companies the ability to reach thousands of people at the push of a button. But what does this have to do with protective packaging?

From Twitter to Pinterest, opportunities for marketing your custom stand up bags are around every corner. Consumers are enamored with the next best thing, and news of the hot and trending is easily found on one (or more) social media platforms.

And when your packaging is hot and trending on social media, it increases your chances of boosting sales.

Now do we have your attention?

We understand that this is easier said than done. So, how can a company successfully connect with consumers via social media through the powers of protective packaging like custom stand up pouches?

Let’s discuss the strategies.

Your Custom Bags vs. Mega Social Media Giants

The first thing you need to understand is that social media is not a barrier for your marketing. Yes, food marketing is a niche industry, but the good news is that everybody has to eat. That means your audience base has the potential to be quite broad, depending on your product.

And lucky for you, custom bags are designed to market and protect a variety of products. Even if you aren’t in marketing, you can still easily become a social media superstar with dog treat packaging, health food packaging, and even bath and candle bead packaging.

There’s literally a custom bag for almost everyone, which means you can get started on leveraging social media today.

So don’t look at things as stand up pouches (physical marketing tools) vs. social media (online communities). You want to work your food marketing and packaging strategy to flow with your social media goals, and with the right strategy, you can use your packaging to gain visual interest on your social platforms.

Connecting Protective Packaging to Your Social Profiles

The good news about custom bags is that they can be highly visual food marketing tools. Social media posts that contain images are already 40 times more likely to be shared, and now video is king on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Imagine the potential customer reach for your brand if you have images that are worth sharing.

And that’s where stand up bags can help seal the social sharing deal.

People tend to share images on social media that are eye-catching, well designed and contain some kind of unique element.

Custom stand bags on their own are unique, and they are the perfect spin to add pizzazz to your marketing and social media strategy.

As you are designing your barrier packaging, think in modern elements and colors. Adding custom graphics and colors that pop are a surefire way to get attention on the store shelf and on social media. And if you hit the right notes in terms of quality and design, your customers will surely be willing to share your photos with their friends.

Don’t forget: You can always print your social media handles addresses and branded hashtags directly on your protective packaging bag. This makes it even easier for customers to go social with you.

Encouraging Conversations With Your Custom Stand Up Bags

While visual elements can certainly help encourage social shares of your product, sometimes it helps to spell it out for your customers.

There are a lot of brands today that integrate hashtags on Twitter with their packaging marketing strategy. Brands such as Pringles print hashtags right on their packaging, encouraging customers to start talking about their product.

If you include a hashtag on your stand up pouch, you can get customers commenting about your awesome packaging designs and quality products faster than ever before.

But what if you aren’t on Twitter but still want to take advantage of custom stand up pouches on social media?

There’s another social media giant that has made its mark, and the door is wide open for reaching a large customer base.

Promoting Your Protective Packaging With Pinterest

Pinterest is a different breed of social media than Twitter, but it can promote your product and stand up bags for the right markets.

Before diving into Pinterest to promote your pouches, be aware that 80% of Pinterest users are female. Pinterest has been making slow progress in terms of attracting male users, but females still dominate the platform.

You can attack your Pinterest pouch promotion by displaying beautifully designed packaging that offers an element of convenience.

Stand up pouches that are kid-friendly and offer solutions for busy moms would perform well on Pinterest.

The key is to market your flexible packaging to women in a unique fashion that catches their eye and makes their lives easier. But in order to get your product pinned, your packaging design must be top-notch and female approved.

The Future of Food Marketing—Facebook Style

Facebook is the perfect platform for promoting your custom stand up pouches while keeping in touch with customers. You can help your customers solve problems with your stand up pouches and build trust through your brand.

Trust value with customers comes into play with a consistent branding theme and a recognizable logo. Just as you build your brand on the store shelf with your stand up pouch, the impact can carry over to Facebook with social shares and promotions—and eventually more sales.

Food marketing, as we know it, is evolving. We can either accept the changes and move along at the pace of the consumer, or sink our own ships with outdated marketing methods and bad packaging strategies.

The choice is yours. It’s time to get social with custom stand up pouches.