Stand Up Pouches for Product Packaging

Why Kraft Heinz Redesigned Mustard Product Packaging?

Written by Brittany Nader | Oct 16, 2015 5:17:00 PM

For decades, both Kraft and Heinz have established themselves as innovative leaders in the food industry.

After their monumental merger, Kraft Heinz has become one of the largest, most prolific brands embracing new packaging solutions for its large array of product offerings. The company has put its faith and trust in packaging suppliers offering the highest quality stand up pouches and other forms of flexible packaging, like liquid bags with spout, for products like classic Heinz Tomato Ketchup and even ranch dressing. When large megabrands like Kraft Heinz are confident in choosing spouted stand up bags for their condiments and liquid food packaging, a new standard is set in the food industry, and businesses both large and small are learning to embrace the new ways their products are packaged and presented.

Retailers like WalMart and Whole Foods seek out products packaged in flexible containers because they are able to fit more on shelves and they speak to today’s consumer needs. Now, “do-good” retail stores are noticing the impact this type of packaging and branding has on the overall perception of their businesses and are increasingly carrying products packaged sustainably.

Shop412 is a Pittsburgh-based urban lifestyle retailer that features many projects aimed to benefit the greater good of the community. The store has partnered with Kraft Heinz to debut a new packaging design for its classic yellow mustard – with a twist. This one-of-a-kind Heinz Yellow Mustard bottle is being sold in Shop412’s stores to raise funds for the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. This is just one of many examples of brands using their food and beverage packaging as a way to draw consumers in and quickly turn them into advocates for causes that are important to them. 

Kraft Heinz and Shop412 are wisely using packaging to build communities and bring people together to help end hunger in their city. The goal for the two companies is to raise enough money for 1 million meals in the southwest Pennsylvania region, but it’s not just sales that can help stop widespread hunger. The right packaging, like spouted pouches and other flexible forms of liquid food packaging, can actually eliminate food waste by keeping products inside fresher longer and maintaining a prolonged shelf life. The protective layers used to build the structural elements of this type of packaging are resistant to tears and outside contaminants that can harm the product, resulting in spoilage and waste.

While Kraft Heinz isn’t selling its mustard in spouted pouches for this particular cause, it’s important that they work with a packaging supplier that can quickly roll out a new design quickly for promotional and limited-time charity projects like this. This new mustard packaging is sleek and elegant and features modern lettering on the front and side of the container. Most people wouldn’t use the term “fashionable” to describe a condiment like yellow mustard, but that’s exactly what this particular design achieves. The trendy graphics and typefaces fall perfectly into Shop412’s branding without sacrificing the familiar labels and colors consumers associate with Kraft Heinz products. A good packaging supplier will be able to offer printed prototypes for large brands to get their limited-time packaged products out into stores quickly without sacrificing the quality of the brand’s vibrant and unique designs.

Kraft Heinz is making a smart move partnering with Shop412 for this Hometown is Hero project, as it can maintain its recognizable branding while refreshing its product packaging to benefit the community. The yellow hue of the mustard happens to fit in perfectly with the city of Pittsburgh and the retailer, resulting in a mutually beneficial branding strategy that will resonate with the community’s consumers. Whether you’re a small business or mid-market company, launching a special new form of product packaging is a smart way to attract customers and communicate an important message. Using packaging to deliver quality goods and collect proceeds for a community project will help build brands and establish them as companies people seek out and trust.


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