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Locking in the Sweetness with Protective Packaging

crepe 1If you are in the crepe industry you know the only thing that could ruin a sweet morning treat is your crepe mix to be spoiled or damaged.The best way to fight against your product being victim to spoilage or damage is to packaging your crepe mix with protective packaging.

Stand up pouch packaging, also called stand up bags, custom print bags and Mylar bags; are the ideal way to lock in the freshness of your crepe mix from the store shelf to the kitchen cupboard. Made from sustainable packaging materials laminating multiple layers of scientifically designed film barriers together, stand up bags protect their contents from odor, vapor, moisture and pests. Puncture resistant, stand up bags keep your mix fresh and dry.  And dry is important, because no one wants a crepe mix to meet liquid until it's in a bowl in the kitchen. crepe 2

Your packaging decision is simple and we have the recipe for sales success when it comes to merchandizing stand up bag crepe mix packaging. Each bag has wide front and back panels available for branding and packaging design. This construction allows for labels to be applied to stock pouches. Conversely, the bags can be custom printed in up to 10 colors, providing a space upon which our graphic artist can design almost any text and graphics. 

Stand up bags are a great way to display the mix in the store as they literally stand up on the shelf. Also available with hang holes for an alternative display option, this type of crepe mix packaging literally stands out from the competition. 

Although crepes originated in the west of France, they are a delicious treat now consumed around the world. And nothing transports this delightful food from packaging to crepe pan like stand up pouches. 


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