Stand Up Pouches for Product Packaging

Liquid Packaging Just Got Exciting…Even for Regular People

Written by David Marinac | May 3, 2013 5:01:17 PM

You don’t have to be a product packaging professional to take an interest in or in the message behind President David Marinac’s upcoming presentation on liquid packaging options. Sure, terms like interlayer adhesion and coextrusion technology may sound like pretty niche jargon, but the work we’re promoting is actually very mainstream.

Our team has spent the last two decades delivering innovative product packaging design and packaging firsts, using strong and sleek barrier film .  Naturally, we’re excited to participate at the Multilayer Packaging Films conference in Chicago this June. But just in case you’re not a packing industry guru or a certified nanotechnologist, here’s a list of everyday folks who have a stake in stand up pouches, too—plus three reasons why everyone should be excited about the potential uses for pouch packaging.

Product Marketers
If you manufacture/market a product that comes in a bottle, box, jar, or can, you need to re-think your product packaging. Stand up pouches are cheaper to ship, easier to handle, and more conducive to all-around brand marketing. Pouches are especially useful for small businesses and startups that need help gaining shelf space with major retailers. Shoddy packaging shouldn’t prevent you from reaching broader markets and delivering a superior product.

Quality Food and Beverage Consumers
Get ready for snacks, drinks, even alcoholic beverages that don’t go stale in your cupboard or pantry. Get ready for sauce containers that never break and splatter. Get ready for lighter grocery bags. Trash bins free from enormous jugs and canisters… Whether your shelves are full of organic baby food or Fair Trade coffee, pouch packaging makes it easier to transport, pour, reseal, and eventually recycle all your favorite products.

Environmentally Friendly Packaging Fans
Lots of product materials are recyclable. But that doesn’t mean they ever get reused. An unfortunate percentage of cartons, containers, boxes, and lids go straight to America’s landfills, where they take up space for decades before they even begin to degrade. Stand up pouches, on the other hand, collapse into paper-thin sheets, when empty. They are completely recyclable, and help contribute to the regrind process that produces toys, bumpers, and an array of reborn plastics.  But if they end up in the trash (as so many containers do), they’re safe and efficient for our waste management systems. Other plastic packaging can’t make the same claim.

Exciting stuff, right? If you want to learn more about earth-friendly liquid packaging options, check out our eBook.