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Environmentally Friendly Packaging and Standup Bags

Environmentally friendly packaging was once a novel concept, one that generated excitementenvironmentally friendly packaging and helped make certain brands very distinctive. While its novelty is gone, the significance of environmentally friendly packaging is not. In fact, ignoring the idea of making your packaging eco friendly will also make your brand distinctive in the marketplace, but for all the wrong reasons.

Stand up pouches are a premier example of what can be done in the world of environmentally friendly packaging. Each pouch is made via an energy efficient process which laminates together multiple layers of scientifically-formulated, food grade (if necessary) film which protects contents from vapor, odor, moisture, air, light and/or pests, as needed. Each pouch is strong and puncture-resistant and helps extend the shelf life of contents that are perishable or otherwise have an expiry date.

Stand up pouches are environmentally friendly not only because the manufacturing process is energy efficient, but for several other reasons as well. Although made from multiple film layers, stand up pouches require up to 12 percent less material to make than most other packaging bags. Less material means less waste is generated after disposal, of course, It also means that each pouch weighs less and, therefore, requires less fuel per unit to transport. And they're recyclable.



Perhaps the most significant eco-friendly feature of stand up pouches is that they require no additional material to function as a package. In other words, no material is required, nor is any energy consumed, to manufacture, ship, store or dispose of extra packaging such as an inner liner or outer box, bag, carton or crate.

In addition to the fact that they're environmentally friendly packaging, stand up pouches will distinguish your brand in the marketplace for other reasons as well. Because they stand up on the shelf, they literally stand apart from the competition. Optional round/sombrero-shaped hang holes provide another display option.

Display options are also provided by the wide front and back pouch panels, including affixing your labels, ordering custom printing in up to 10 colors, integrating clear film into the barrier construction or any combination of these options.



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