Stand Up Pouches for Product Packaging

Coffee Bags For Sale – A Packaging Partner Versus A Supplier

Written by David Marinac | Aug 13, 2014 10:19:19 AM

A coffee roaster will often ask if we have coffee bags for sale and I want to answer (but I don’t) do you want a packaging partner for just a supplier?  There is a big difference.  So regardless if you are packaging coffee beans, ground coffee, or flavored coffee, I wanted to take the time to explain the differences between the two.

Rigid Versus Flexible

A coffee bag supplier will tell you like it is, we have these size bags for sale and these are in stock, out of stock, and here is our pricing, end of story.  Sure they can be nice and friendly on the phone or even have a fancy website but you will get what you get when they have it.  A coffee packaging partner will want to know about your business, your coffee, if you are packaging whole beans or ground, if you will need a gas release valve or just a tin tie, etc.  A packaging partner will want to know what your usages are, if you will need a certain size on a regular basis, they’ll offer quantity discounts or specials, and even ask things such as how you will fill your bags and store them and ultimately ship them.

Low Minimum Runs and Case Counts

A coffee bag supplier will have their minimum run quantity for custom printed bags etched in stone, whether that is 25,000 pieces or more.  Some stock coffee bag suppliers will sell you 1 case of bags but they will really, I mean REALLY encourage you to buy more than one case.  A packaging partner will want to help you regardless if you purchase stock bags and apply press on labels or want pouches custom printed.  Even further, a packaging partner will pay attention and notice your stock pouch volume and even suggest and discuss moving to something custom printed to save money.  The right coffee packaging partner will be aggressive and creative to offer low minimum runs for custom printed pouches as well.  In fact, having 5000 pieces of custom printed coffee bags is definitely possible with the right packaging partner.

New Styles

A coffee bag supplier will sell coffee bags in one main style, most likely the tried and true quad seal – center seal style that has been around for years.  Yes these pouches come with tin ties and even gas valves but goodness, the same old thing over and over and over.  A coffee packaging partner will be on the cutting edge of the industry and know what new styles are available, what styles are coming back, what films work best, which are cheaper, longer lasting, etc.  Recently the traditional stand up pouch has become popular for packaging coffee again.  Thought to be out of vogue, not anymore, as these bags can easily have a ziplock and tear notch and gas valve.  Even further, the newest style coffee bag is the flat bottom flexible box version that stands erect, has a very functional ziplock for easy opening and closing, uses up to 15% less film than other styles yet holds more in volume.  In an industry of copycats, someone willing to be different and stand out could gain market share and having a coffee packaging partner to help could be the difference!

Hold Inventory

A coffee bag supplier doesn’t care about your needs, what sizes or versions you are going through on a regular basis, they are just trying to move coffee pouches out of their warehouse.  A coffee packaging partner is in “it” with you, can look at your stock coffee bag usage, which size and color you order on a regular basis and plan so they have them for you when you need them.  A packaging partner will do the same for custom printed coffee bags, even offering to hold a safety stock or emergency stock of certain versions so you never run out.

Offers Samples

Let’s face it folks, sending out samples can be a pain for most coffee bag suppliers…it takes time and money.  A coffee packaging partner plans for this, they actually want you to try the samples, try the different sizes, etc to help you find the right size, style, and fit for your particular application.  Regardless if you are just starting out in the business or a seasoned veteran, a coffee packaging partner wants you to have all the answers to your questions, concerns and even fears.

Handles Problems

If you ignore all the other things I mentioned above and just skipped to “handles problems” this will clearly separate a coffee bag supplier and a coffee packaging partner.  No one likes problems, no one likes issues that come up like mislabeled cartons or a bad ziplock on some pouches or some other quality defect or blemish.  A coffee bag supplier will most likely NOT return your phone call or email and when you do catch up with them will take the pouches back only after charging you a restocking fee.  A packaging partner will do whatever is necessary to help you, rush replacement bags or replacement cases, send FedEx or Air (at their expense not yours)…again whatever it takes.  

A coffee bag supplier just wants to sell you coffee bags.  A coffee packaging partner isn’t nearly as concerned with your first order or even your second as they are the 3rd and 4th, etc.  My point is, every single order is critical to the coffee packaging partner, as they lead to repeat orders, sales growth, and happy customers who want to tell others about their great “coffee packaging partner!”  If you want to learn more about packaging your coffee, download our eBook below.  Or grab some of our free packaging samples.