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Flat Barrier Bags for Medical Applications

food grade FDA packagingThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulates exactly what its name implies: Food and drugs. That's not all, however. The FDA is also responsible for the approval and oversight of the labeling and packaging of food and drugs. In fact, any substance that comes into direct contact with food, vitamins/supplements or drugs (be they over-the-counter or prescription) falls under the regulatory umbrella of the FDA.

Because of the FDA's involvement, the consumer can be doubly sure of the safety of the product when it comes to items that have health or medical applications. For those who purchase medical or health and wellness products, the packaging's safety is often almost as important as the contentsflat medical pouch themselves.

A flat barrier bag is among the safest and most effective packaging methods available to transport, sell and store products with medical applications. Flat barrier bags are constructed from multiple layers of specially formulated film that are laminated together. The barrier is puncture resistant, protecting contents from moisture, vapor, odor and pests while locking in the therapeutic/medicinal qualities and characteristics.



The structure of the bag yields wide panels that give you more printable "real estate" to tell the story of your brand, whether by using your own company labels or custom ordering printing in up to 10 colors. The bag is similar in appearance and function to a box but protects the product better and takes up less space the emptier it gets. The bag also has a zip seal for easy open and close (unlike the inner lining of a cereal box, for example, which consumers hope stays "closed" after they roll it up). In fact, no inner liner or packaging is required at all.

Of course, flat barrier bags are made with film fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration, providing consumers the confidence they seek when buying medical products or those designed to promote health and wellness.

Flat barrier bags: An effective, safe and even healthy alternative packaging for medical applications.  Want to learn more?


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