Stand Up Pouches for Product Packaging

Stand Up Bags and Pouches Lower Your Packaging Cost

Written by | Nov 9, 2012 12:02:00 PM

Without proper food and beverage packaging, a trip to the supermarket could be an extremely messy venture. Boxes, bags, jars, bottles, jugs and tins are all necessary to ensure that company’s edible and drinkable products stay safely fresh and contained while waiting on store shelves for consumers to buy.

As a food manufacturer or packager, choosing the right packaging requires careful thought and consideration about several different issues:

  • Protection food and beverages must be protected from contaminants and moisture.
  • Structural Protection – the selected packaging designs must be able to handle the shipping process including stress of stacked boxes and vibration during travel.
  • Graphic Design – the attractiveness of design used on the product is what increases sales. Having professional artwork, colors and material quality will draw attention to your product as you build your brand.
  • Security – whether you use zip lock seals, spouts or tear notches, the security of your packaging must allow for easy open and pouring while safely protecting the product inside.

Ultimately, the decision about how to wrap your product boils down to retail packaging that keeps your product fresher for longer while you lower your packaging cost.

Stand up pouches assist companies in meeting their budget because they are by far the total lowest cost when compared to any other company in the industry. The ability to add custom artwork to the laminated barrier process ensures that the company logo and message do not rub off, and they maintain their attractiveness when placed on store shelves. To learn more about using this innovative packaging for your food or drink brand, give us a call at (866) 440-2123 or visit our online catalog today.