Stand Up Pouches for Product Packaging

What You Can Learn from McDonald’s New Food Packaging Idea

Written by Brittany Nader | Jul 2, 2015 5:04:00 PM

Since the 1940s, McDonald’s has established itself as one of the leading global fast food restaurants, serving as a symbol of the “American way” and cheap, convenient meals. Serving more than 68 million customers daily, the restaurant chain has launched several campaigns and products throughout its decades of business targeted at a variety of audiences. This month, the company has launched a new type of food packaging aimed at the younger, active sect.

McDonald’s new packaging, called the McBike, is modeled after a tote bag, featuring a handle up top that connects each side.

This handle is designed for bicyclists to hook on to their cycle’s handlebars, and the whole container unfolds to display the entire contents of the meal. It is a handy packaging style for active millennials – a consumer base the corporation is increasingly trying to target in its current rebranding efforts.

In the commercial for its new food packaging design, the company even states: “The world is moving towards sustainable energy. People cherish and choose a healthier lifestyle.” Though the fast food giant hasn’t exactly been associated with wellness since its inception, it has recently taken notice of increased health and environmental consciousness by so many members of the millennial generation.

This is a bag for adults who choose to commute by bike instead of car in hopes of reducing their carbon footprint. This is an alternative to the flimsy paper bags tossed on the side of the road. It’s a step in the right direction, and as suppliers of flexible retail packaging, we know there is a need for new packaging solutions that are both sustainable and practical for today’s consumer.

Beverages, for example, are notoriously tricky to package for the on-the-go customer. McDonald’s new container is designed to hold drinks poured in their traditional paper cups so they won’t spill.

We know a better solution exists, however..... Spouted stand up pouches.

More pliable and cost efficient than cups, bottles and cans, spouted stand up pouches are perfect for travel. These products reduce hassle and waste, they’re made of recyclable materials, and they’re flexible. They can be tossed in a bag without fear of spills, or clipped onto a keychain and transported wherever today’s active millennial has to go.

Flexible retail packaging, in general, is a smarter, more sustainable option than paper bags and wrappers used by a large number of food manufacturers. Companies can no longer afford to ignore the needs and desires of eco-minded customers, and we appreciate McDonald’s efforts.

Smaller businesses don’t have to skip out on even better packaging solutions because of limited budgets or fear of spending beyond their means. The fast food giant is gaining attention for its distinctive and modern new packaging solution, and why shouldn’t you? Learn more about our unique flexible retail packaging options, and your business could be on its way to establishing itself as a sustainable and innovative brand that really gets what today’s customer wants.

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