Stand Up Pouches for Product Packaging

CASE STUDY: From Bottles to Spouted Stand Up Pouches

Written by Brittany Nader | May 17, 2017 1:00:00 PM

There are many products out on the market today that are instantly recognizable because of their iconic packaging.

Honey, traditionally sold in a plastic bear-shape bottle, is easy to locate on store shelves because consumers are used to seeing the product and its container as one complete package. For this reason, many brands are wary about changing up their product packaging and straying away from the norm. However, new advances in modern flexible packaging have resulted in an increased consumer desire for more convenient containers that offer the best user experience possible.

Bush Boys Beehives is an example of a company that realized its traditional bottles for honey packaging weren’t working anymore. This Florida-based family business cultivates sustainable raw honey, which offers numerous health benefits to consumers (as well as delicious flavors that have the power to take food and drinks to a whole new level). Crystallization is a natural part of raw honey’s “lifecycle,” which means the otherwise viscous sweetener forms into a solid. This crystalized honey is still perfectly palatable and delicious, but it can be extremely difficult to pour from a traditional squeeze bottle or glass jar.

Many honey brands run into this exact issue with their product packaging, and it can cause much frustration among consumers. Many customers even think their honey has gone bad or stale when it begins turning into a solid, and they end up tossing a half-used bottle of honey, resulting in wasted product and money. Bush Boys wanted to solve this problem and make it easy for consumers to retrieve every last drop of their delicious raw honey from the container.

The Bush family discovered after conducting a Google search for spouted stand up pouches. After experiencing the benefits of this type of versatile flexible packaging on a different product, they ordered free samples of the stand up pouches with spout and tested them with their honey products. Once they introduced the honey in this new form of packaging to their customers, they were met with an abundance of positive feedback, which prompted the Bush family to order a full case of the spouted stand up pouches and make a positive change for their product, brand image, and in the lives of their loyal customers.

In our FREE case study, “Protecting the Purity of Honey From Hive to Pouch,” we explain why spouted stand up pouches are uniquely manufactured to serve as the most effective form of honey packaging available today. Stand up pouches with spout are sustainable, user friendly, and offer added value to brands and consumers alike.

It can be risky for companies to evolve their products and packaging for fear that they will alienate loyal brand advocates and lose customers. However, brands that take a cue from growing businesses, like Bush Boys Beehives, will soon learn there is more risk in sticking to an ineffective, obsolete container than embracing the most modern, scientifically advanced, eye-catching, and functional packaging available for CPG manufacturers today.